• December 18, 2022

Is software development fun? (Obviously!)

If you’re reading this blog post, you’re probably interested in software development, but haven’t started yet. Maybe you read about all the truly terrible parts of the job and now you’re not sure if it’s really worth it.

Well, I’m here to tell you that it is! Despite all the horrible stories you may have heard, there are many reasons why software development is fun. Here are just a few:

Software development is a creative activity

Software development is a creative activity. It’s not just about following the requirements, it’s about thinking through problems and coming up with solutions that are innovative. Software developers need to be creative in their work, because there are always new ways to approach problems and solve them.

You are working with smart people from all over the world

Each developer has a unique perspective, which means that there is no one right way to solve a problem. Your job as a software developer is to collaborate with your team and figure out the best way to implement features that solve the business need while keeping in mind how they will be used by customers.

This means that you get to learn from other developers, who have different backgrounds and experiences than you do. They might have knowledge of certain languages or frameworks that you don’t have experience in yet, so it can be helpful for everyone on the team if each person brings their own special skills during discussions about how a feature should work.

You can make a difference in other people’s life without them knowing it

A lot of people think that if you want to make a difference in someone’s life, you have to go out there and do something big and flashy. That couldn’t be further from the truth. That kind of thinking is outdated and misguided. You can make an impact on people’s lives without them knowing it directly, or even indirectly!

The field changes so quickly that you need to constantly learn

One of the best reasons software development is fun is that the field changes so quickly. The world of computer programming is constantly evolving, with new technologies being released every year. If you don’t keep up with these new technologies, you may find yourself falling behind your peers in terms of skill level and knowledge of current tech trends.

You are rewarded for how well you work not how many hours you work

In software development, you are rewarded for how well you work rather than how many hours you work. In other industries, people need to spend as many hours in the office as possible and to work any extra time that’s available. But this approach doesn’t always produce quality results. Instead of trying harder and harder, take a step back and look at what’s actually going on in your workflow, and then make changes based on those observations. If there is something that needs fixing, fix it!